Dribbleup Academy: What is Dribbleup?
Dribbleup is a sports and technology company that invented the Smart Basketball and the Smart Soccer Ball. These products work with a mobile app that tracks each ball's movement and records progress in real-time. Taught by elite virtual coaches, these dynamic classes help kids focus on the fundamentals of basketball and soccer. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What is Dribbling in Basketball?
For young basketball players, it's crucial to learn good dribbling fundamentals. Being able to dribble effectively unlocks the two main things a basketball player wants to do on the court: assist on baskets and score points. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Is a Smart Basketball Worth It?
This is a question many parents ask themselves when considering this innovative product for their kids. If you ask one of the 7,965 verified reviews for the Dribbleup Smart Basketball (as of 3/29/2023), the answer is likely to be a resounding "YES!" But what exactly makes the Dribbleup Smart Basketball worth the price? Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Is a Smart Soccer Ball Worth It?
There is no greater joy than seeing our kids develop into their full potential. We invest so much in our kid’s success on and off the soccer field. But without an unlimited budget, you want to ensure the money you spend counts. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What Are The Positions In Soccer?
A 4 and 5-year-old soccer game might be the cutest thing in the world. But there is more ball chasing than playing positions. As kids advance through the levels, the game grows with them, and coaches start training specific positions individually. In fact, most experts recommend kids play all the positions in soccer as they develop. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Where Can I Buy the Dribbleup Smart Basketball?
Grab the Dribbleup Smart Basketball to help your kids reach the next level, without breaking the bank or traveling all over the state. At the moment, you can’t purchase this basketball on Amazon, Dick’s, Walmart, or any other sports website — it’s only on dribbleup.com. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Where Can I Buy the Dribbleup Smart Soccer Ball?
The only place to buy the Dribbleup Smart Soccer Ball is on Dribbleup’s official website: dribbleup.com. Grab the Dribbleup Smart Soccer Ball to help your kids reach the next level in their soccer training. At the moment, you can’t purchase this soccer ball on Amazon, Dick’s, Walmart, or any other sports website. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What Are the Dimensions of a Soccer Field?
You probably assumed soccer fields get bigger as players age, and that’s true. But even at the highest soccer levels, governing bodies like the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) and International Football Association Board (IFAB) issue windows of measurement for soccer field dimensions, not exact numbers. That’s part of what makes home-field advantage so unique in soccer! Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What Size Soccer Ball Do I Need?
Buying the right size soccer ball for your kid is an important decision. You don't want to show up to the field on the first day of practice with a soccer ball your child isn't allowed to use! Regulation sizes are determined by age, and practicing with a ball that's the correct size and weight will help your child build muscle memory for dribbling, shooting, and passing. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What is Dribbling in Soccer?
Dribbling in soccer is controlling the ball with your feet. It’s the foundation for every other soccer move. Your kids will use it to bypass defenders, control passes from a teammate, and set themselves up for a powerful shot. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What is a Smart Soccer Ball?
A lot of kids out there loooove soccer! But as parents know, there are only so many instances of kicking the ball up and down the stairs, against the wall, against the bed, and between their legs screaming “megged" before things start to get... a little much 😅. That’s where the Dribbleup Smart Soccer Ball comes in. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: What is a Smart Basketball?
The Smart Basketball is a high-quality, game-ready ball that works with the Dribbleup mobile app. On the app, you can take part in hundreds of drills, and the Smart Basketball gives you instant virtual feedback. Pretty cool, right? It’s kind of like having a ball, coach, trainer, and stat-keeper all in one! Read more

Dribbleup Academy: How Many Players Are on a Soccer Team?
If your child just started playing soccer, you might feel like something looks a bit off in their games. Shouldn’t there be more players out there? Unlike other sports, there are different numbers of players on the field in a soccer game depending on the age of the players. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: History of the Soccer Ball
Soccer is a beautiful game, and at the center of it all is the soccer ball itself! This round piece of equipment has been the driving force behind the sport for over two centuries, and its impact on the game cannot be overstated. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Up & Back Dribble
The Up & Back Dribble is a fundamental, skill-building drill that every player should try and master early on. Practicing this drill effectively will help you progress onto more advanced drills. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Pound Dribble
The Pound Dribble is a simple basketball move that involves bouncing the ball forcefully against the floor with one hand while maintaining control. This basic move is for beginners and it's the foundation for all basketball dribbling techniques. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Killer Crossover Dribble
The Killer Crossover Dribble is a beginner move that can be used on the court to get past defenders and create scoring opportunities. The move involves changing direction and using quick footwork to leave the defender off-balance. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Inside Sole Roll
The Killer Crossover Dribble is a beginner move that can be used on the court to get past defenders and create scoring opportunities. The move involves changing direction and using quick footwork to leave the defender off-balance. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Butterfly Dribble
The Butterfly Dribble is a fantastic, quick-twitch basketball move for young children to learn early on in their basketball training. It's a combination of a crossover and a between-the-legs dribble that allows players to keep the ball away from defenders and move up the court. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn How to Juggle a Soccer Ball
Juggling is a fundamental skill for soccer players as it improves ball control, coordination, and balance. It also helps players develop their touch and feel for the ball, which is essential for making quick and accurate passes, shots, and maneuvers on the field. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the V-Dribble
The V-Dribble is an important starting move for kids to practice in order to help them learn how to change direction effectively with the basketball. This is a foundational drill that is more advanced than the Pound Dribble but less advanced than some other moves like the Killer Crossover or Butterfly Dribble. Read more

Dribbleup Academy: Learn the Crossover In-and-Out Dribble
The Crossover In-and-Out Dribble is a popular basketball move that helps kids beat their defender and create scoring opportunities in games. It's a combination of the crossover and a one-handed in-and-out dribble. Read more